By Gusty Friday, 30 March 2012 documentation Medicare outcomes physical therapists pt talker Good Health and Bulletproof Expert Systems on PT Talker with Jeff Worrell. Elvonda Jeff Worrell has interviewed a cross section of the world's top physical therapists and rehabilitation experts on his podcasting website...
By Gusty Tuesday, 27 March 2012 audits cms florida mac Medicare physical therapy physicians RAC Good Health and 12 weeks of Physical Therapy Required By New Medicare Guidelines Prior to Joint Replacement in Florida. Elvonda Medicare has begun to deny hospital charges for total joint replacement surgery IF the surgeon has failed to implement up to 12 weeks of pre...
By Gusty Monday, 26 March 2012 algorithm doctors fda Patient Self Diagnosis prescription drugs Good Health and Patient Self Diagnosis: Good or Bad for Physical Therapists?. Elvonda Drugs used to treat common, high-volume conditions may become available over the internet and dispensed through your local pharmacy rather t...
By Gusty Saturday, 24 March 2012 florida Florida Senate fpta Governor Rick Scott HB 799 physical therapy temporary license Good Health and All Florida Physical Therapists Contact Governor Rick Scott Immediately!!. Elvonda Please contact Governor Rick Scott and request that he sign into law HB 799 by Rep. Tom Goodson and Senator Bill Montford, regarding tempora...
By Gusty 03:19 automatic exception FCSO kx modifier maintenance therapy Medicare outpatient therapy claims therapy caps Good Health and Free 1-hour Webinar on Excessive use of the KX modifier. Elvonda Florida's Medicare Admistrative Contractor (MAC) First Coast Service Options (FCSO) has identified excessive use of the KX modifier on c...
By Gusty Monday, 19 March 2012 electronic medical records EMR paper medical records physical therapists SOAP note Good Health and Happy Birthday! Paper SOAP Notes Turn 44 Years Old!. Elvonda On March 21st, 1968 the SOAP note was proposed in an article from the New England Journal of Medicine Medical Records that Guide and Teach ....
By Gusty Thursday, 15 March 2012 fraud and abuse Home health OASIS Office of the Inspector General Report Good Health and Home Health Care Submits $432 Million in Improper Medicare Claims. Elvonda Home health agencies submitted 22 percent of claims in error for unnecessary medical services or for incorrect coding in 2008. That adds u...
By Gusty Wednesday, 14 March 2012 health care Medicare physical therapy private practice Good Health and Will Your Physical Therapy Clinic Close by 2020?. Elvonda Why One-Third of Hospitals Will Close By 2020 , written by by David Houle and Jonathan Fleece, JD, on the KevinMD website is a thought prov...
By Gusty 22:47 CERT chiropractors error rate Medicare audits physical therapy physicians Good Health and Physical Therapy Services Billed by Physicians in Florida Have a High Error Rate. Elvonda Services billed by physician specialties represented 70% of the dollars incorrectly paid for physical therapy services in the November 2011 ...
By Gusty Friday, 9 March 2012 EHR Electronic Health Record Farzad Mostashari Health Affairs Meaningful Use ONC HIT Good Health and Federal Agency Chief Rebuts Findings That Show EHR May Lead to Increased Diagnostic Imaging. Elvonda Just one day after the Health Affairs article that showed an association between physicians' Electronic Health Record (EHR) use and inc...
By Gusty Wednesday, 7 March 2012 CERT chiropractic manipulation error rate FCSO Medicare coverage guidelines Good Health and The comprehensive error rate testing (CERT) and chiropractic services. Elvonda Billing maintenance therapy as active treatment First Coast Service Options (FCSO) is estimating an improper payment error rate of 39 perce...
By Gusty Tuesday, 6 March 2012 diagnostic imaging EHR Electronic Health Records physicians Good Health and Electronic Health Records May INCREASE Uitilization of Diagnostic Imaging. Elvonda Contrary to the notion that Electronic Health Records (EHR) will lower spending a new study in the March Health Affairs found a 40% to 70% I...
By Gusty Monday, 5 March 2012 copayments health care Massachusetts prices Good Health and Who is to Blame for America's High Healthcare Costs?. Elvonda Ezra Klein of the Washington Post blames high prices charged by healthcare providers and hospitals for spiraling costs in America's heal...
By Gusty Sunday, 4 March 2012 Ewan Corwin fear avoidance beliefs MovNat physical therapists physician Good Health and Fear Avoidance Beliefs Are a Learned Behavior. Elvonda "You shouldn't bend you back when you lift things". "Don't work too hard". "Don't go back to the gym ...
By Gusty Saturday, 3 March 2012 American Physical Therapy Association APTA copayment physical therapist Good Health and South Dakota Physical Therapy CoPay Legislation Becomes Law!. Elvonda South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard signed House Bill 1183 on February 27th, 2012 protecting physical therapists' patients with legisl...
By Gusty Friday, 2 March 2012 American Physical Therapy Association APTA copay copay legislation florida Good Health and The Fight for Fair CoPays in PT in Motion. Elvonda We've addressed physical therapist co-payments on this blog before: Florida CoPay in 2012 Kentucky CoPay in 2011 New York CoPay in 2012...