By Gusty Tuesday, 31 January 2012 california direct access florida fpta physical therapy temporary license Good Health and California and Florida Physical Therapy Bills Move Forward. Elvonda Physical therapists across the United States have gotten off to a fast start in 2012, as evidenced by two bills moving forward in California...
By Gusty Saturday, 28 January 2012 decision support direct access misdiagnoses physical therapists primary care Good Health and New Decision Support Tool Prevents Diagnostic Errors. Elvonda Physical therapists practicing in a direct access setting of performing diagnostic work may find these new tools helpful to maintain a low r...
By Gusty Wednesday, 25 January 2012 florida Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp physical therapist Physical Therapy Business Alliance private practice Good Health and Psst! Want a HOT tip? Form your own Physical Therapist Association.... Elvonda All kidding aside, newly formed physical therapist associations seem to be a growth industry lately. Full disclosure, I am on the Board of ...
By Gusty Monday, 23 January 2012 Advocacy florida florida physical therapy association fpta Tallahassee Temporary Licensure Good Health and Florida Temporary Licensure - From a Ripple to a Wave. Elvonda I got my first real taste of the less glorious side of politics when I spent 2009 and 2010 passing out flyers, attending fundraisers, and th...
By Gusty Saturday, 21 January 2012 Charles Krauthhamer florida florida physical therapy association fpta physical therapist assistants physical therapists Washington Post Good Health and Why Politics Is Important to Physical Therapists. Elvonda Congratulations to Eric Chaconas, DPT of the Florida Government Affairs Committee and and Scott Harp, PhD Vice President of the Florida Phys...
By Gusty Friday, 20 January 2012 aco Congressional Budget Office Fee-for-Service Medicare demonstration projects physical therapists Value-Based purchasing Good Health and Value-based Healthcare Does NOT Reduce Medicare Spending. Elvonda The blog of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced yesterday that 30 years of Medicare demonstration projects have failed to show ...
By Gusty Wednesday, 18 January 2012 Internet censorship pipa SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act Good Health and Prevent Internet Censorship. Elvonda The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) centralizes the power to regulate the Internet in contents creators: essentially large corporations, like ...
By Gusty Friday, 13 January 2012 Bulletproof Expert Systems clinical decision support Medicare audit Outpatient Setting physical therapist assistants physical therapists Good Health and New Book on Clinical Decision Support in Physical Therapy. Elvonda The new book is finally done! Bulletproof Expert Systems began in 2006 when myself and six other physical therapists and physical therapis...
By Gusty Thursday, 12 January 2012 doctors physical therapist physicians Treatment Based Classification algorithms Vinod Khosla Good Health and Do We Need Physical Therapists or Algorithms?. Elvonda "Do you use Treatment Based Classification algorithms?" I asked my friend in Florida. "No", she replied. "Why...
By Gusty Wednesday, 11 January 2012 california California Medical Association Mary Hayashi physical therapists San Francisco Good Health and Mary Hayashi Gets Probation. Elvonda As described on this blog , California Assemblymember Mary Hayashi was arrested for shoplifting on October 28th, 2011. Hayashi received the ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 10 January 2012 2012 Florida Legislative session florida Florida Senate physical therapists Good Health and Florida Legislative Session Opens Today!. Elvonda Florida physical therapists get ready to lobby! The start of the 2012 Florida Legislative session is today, January 10th, 2012. Physical the...
By Gusty Monday, 9 January 2012 ACP Ethics Manual American College of Physicians Clinical Practice Guideline Critical pathways physical therapists physicians rationing Good Health and Provocative Position by American College of Physicians Calls for "Parsimonious Care". Elvonda The American College of Physicians (ACP) issued first-of-its-kind guidelines specifically calling for "parsimonious care" Monday. ...
By Gusty Friday, 6 January 2012 back pain diagnostic imaging physical therapists private practice physical therapists Starbucks/Virginia Mason Good Health and Disruptive Innovation in Physical Therapy. Elvonda Selena Horner noted in her Twitter stream : "Data doesn't create change... stories that evoke emotion create change..." Colla...
By Gusty Wednesday, 4 January 2012 CERT chiropractic manipulation Comprehensive Error Rate Testing First Coast Service Options improper payment errors medical necessity Good Health and Chiropractic Services in Florida Have High Error Rate. Elvonda First Coast Service Options (FCSO) is estimating an improper payment error rate of 39 percent for chiropractic services in Florida for the ...
By Gusty Sunday, 1 January 2012 chronic pain cognitive behavioral therapy exercise outcomes physical therapists telephone Good Health and Cognitive Behavior Therapy Over the Telephone Effective for Chronic Widespread Pain. Elvonda Physical therapists who treat chronic pain patients may be interested in this new randomized controlled trial of 442 patients comparing cogn...
By Gusty 12:03 disruptive technology Microsoft's Xbox 360 physical therapists physical therapists replacing physicians Science and Technology Siemens Competition in Math Good Health and MicroSoft Xbox 360 Hackers Assess Gait, Measure Knee Angle. Elvonda Are you still using your plastic goniometer? Maybe its time to throw it away and get the new Microsoft's Xbox 360 to measure your patien...