By Gusty Wednesday, 28 December 2011 clinical decision rule physical therapist TBC treatment based classification Good Health and New Treatment Based Classification Chart with Hyperlinks. Elvonda These are the Treatment Based Classification rules I've been using the past couple of years. Please use this chart, including the hyperl...
By Gusty 13:14 Florida House Florida Senate fpta FS 486 House Bill 799 physical therapist assistants physical therapists Senate Bill 1128 Good Health and Why Do Physical Therapists Need to Track Florida's 2012 Legislative Bills?. Elvonda I think it was Mark Twain who said: "We should never watch laws or sausage being made, for if we did we would lose our appetite for bot...
By Gusty Sunday, 25 December 2011 CoPayment reform legislattion New York physical therapists Good Health and Support New York Physical Therapists' CoPayment Legislation. Elvonda Physical therapists will again put CoPayment reform legislation before the New York legislature in 2012. Twice now the legislation has been ...
By Gusty Friday, 16 December 2011 1% ceo healthcare patients private practice physical therapists Good Health and Healthcare CEOs Richest 1% in North America. Elvonda Healthcare CEOs are the among the richest American executives across all industries. Three of the top-earning 10 executives across all indu...
By Gusty 05:04 iphone mobile device patient safety physical therapy Good Health and Distracted Doctoring Raises Risks For Patients. Elvonda This free New York Times article discribes a disturbing trend for which peer-reviewed research is just beginning to emerge: nurses and doct...
By Gusty Friday, 9 December 2011 American Physical Therapy Assocation APTA copayment legislation fair copayment physical therapist Good Health and Fair CoPayment Web Page Now Online at APTA. Elvonda The new American Physical Therapy Assocation (APTA) Fair CoPayment web page went live on December 7th, 2011. Physical therapists advocatin...
By Gusty 00:52 better outcomes Clinical Quality Measures innovation Medicare National Quality Measures Clearinghouse physical therapist process-of-care Good Health and The Process of Profitability. Elvonda Physical therapists can learn from this highly successful company. They sell 10% af all the furniture in the world, they made $30 BILLION i...
By Gusty Tuesday, 6 December 2011 florida physical therapist Medicare orthopedists Physical therapsists primary care physicians recovery audit contractors Take Back Letter Good Health and Hospitals Bounce Back but Florida Physical Therapists May Still Get the "Take Back Letter". Elvonda Florida physical therapsists may still be on the hook, beginning January 1, 2012, resulting in the dreaded "Take Back Letter" from...
By Gusty Thursday, 1 December 2011 algorithms art and science of physical therapy clinical decision rules clinical intuition clinical workflow diagnosis fracture physical therapist vertebral Good Health and The Art and Science of Physical Therapy. Elvonda The 2011 Oxford Debate at the APTA Annual Conference in Washington DC pitted clinical decision rules - algorithms - against clincial intuiti...