By Gusty Monday, 29 September 2008 Good Health and Cutting or bleeding edge?. Elvonda Hurricane Ike came and went, but it almost feels like he's still hanging around the Gulf Coast. The devastation was truly remarkable par...
By Gusty Wednesday, 10 September 2008 Good Health and Calcaneal and Plantar Nerves: Overlooked contributors to heel pain syndromes?. Elvonda So I'm sitting here in my living room watching coverage of the latest impending apocalypse (Hurricane Ike) churn in the Gulf. You might ...
By Gusty Saturday, 6 September 2008 Good Health and Is Pain in the Brain?. Elvonda I finally leaped into the 21st century and discovered I can post specific YouTube videos on my blog. This is an excellent lecture from the ...
By Gusty Friday, 5 September 2008 Good Health and Physical capacity and low back pain: Is there a connection?. Elvonda We frequently advise patients that having strong trunk muscles and better lumbar mobility are important strategies to prevent future episode...